
12 Mart 2022 Cumartesi


You are expected to use everything you are given without contaminating them, to live without harming anything and to return them to God, spotless as you have received them. You are in a give-and-take relationship with God. God is constantly sending you the purest energies from Himself, but your minds and hearts are full of worldly desires. They are not completely empty. Therefore, you cannot always receive these pure energies that God gives you complimentarily. You cannot receive them completely. Your mission is to take these energies and to reflect them to your environment, without contaminating them.

The saying, “He gives no harm to anyone”, is wrong. You, yourself should not be harmed either. You have to return the things you have been given back to God in pure form. Your own body and soul are not exceptions to this. It is essential for man to love his own body, together with all limbs, to take good care of it and not to damage it. All living beings are God’s cells. But some of these cells are contaminated, and they need to be destroyed just as cancer cells.


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