
12 Mart 2022 Cumartesi


Not the end of the World, not the end of mankind, but the end of this human generation has come. For the majority of the people on Earth, their lives in their current bodies are their last chances. Most of them will face spiritual death beyond death. God, too, is out of patience.

The absence of love prevails at each point, each corner of the Earth. The majority has surrendered to fear, and greediness is increasing. You are using your bodies as weapons against each other.

The Earth is almost like a prison. Even God does not come to this planet. You are the top planet in barbarianism. The negative energies you spread are curtaining the Sun from being seen properly. I am also a being of love, but I too, cannot love human beings anymore. You have ruined nature, too. God loves nature more than He loves humans. It would not be possible for humans to live without nature. This World does not belong solely to human beings. Those who destroy other forms of life, will be destroyed.


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