"Believing in God is something but, more important than this is that
having God believing in us."
The spiritual ills--the moral collapse--of mankind are self-inflicted. Anyone can leave the cocoon of self-indenture, deep in spiritual imperfection, and become a new being--reborn. This rebirth is for anyone who seeks it, anytime, anywhere. Heart felt prayer is the only prerequisite.
Nothing can come between a spiritually aspiring soul and its Maker. Only the aspirant himself can put aside the Gift of Love once it is prayed for and is being received, if he fails to use it as often as he can in all that he does. Only he can fail to translate hope into spiritual faith and trust. Yes, if he fails in these, his failures will indeed come between his God and himself, at least to some degree.
Those who move forward spiritually on earth--fortified with the Father's Divine Love growing in their souls--who make relevant progress--will have put out the necessary calls for God's Help. They will have made continuing efforts in sincere and loving prayers of need and affirmation, then stood by to receive the rewards that ensued.
The Bible statement, "Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom," (Luke 12:32)
. Believe firmly in God's existence.
. Trust this loving God.
. Through prayer, continue to cultivate a deeper need to know Him better--to have a living soul-relationship with Him.
. Pray ardently to receive His Holy Gift of Divine Love.
God is limitless at every aspect. He warns directly and when He gives judgement, it is irrevocable.
Everybody must be free to declare his or her opinions regarding politicians, religions, administrations, lifestyles and everything and everybody.
Killing a human apart from war situations and/or compalsory selfdefence, is acting against God's judgement. That is why murdering is an unforgivable crime. Even death penalties are not permitted by God. Those that comite crimes repeatedly are to be separated from the society and kept in isolation.
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