
11 Mayıs 2017 Perşembe


What it means to be holy?

It means deserving by our faithfull attitudes being set apart for God’s exclusive use.

All who overcome, and fulfill the Law within themselves, will become the Messiah/Christ -- which Hebrew and Greek words in English means The Anointed Of God.  

And it is this Power of the Anointing that opens the mind to see beyond  and to the degree that the Anointing can be received, begin the process of being taught by the indwelling Logos/Son of God.

“People are impatient, they want a judgment day, they want everything to be finished, they don’t want to have to live with great questions, great unresolved questions. They want God to punish others that they themselves cannot or will not punish. They think they know what justice is. And that is why the old God is filled with revenge and anger and repudiation, that people are forced to believe with the threat of death and Hell.” 

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