
7 Nisan 2022 Perşembe


Showing immoral people as moral corrupts the morality of society. And vices, after all, subconsciously want everyone to be like them. Because, to be free in their immoral private lives do not make them happy in the long run. Even if the good do not interfere with their misrable lives directly, shall be always a mirror reflecting that they are immoral and therefore honest people must be eliminated. The immoral people cannot bear to sea honest, good moral people around but they hide their malice thoughts until they are crowded enough. 

On the other hand if an effort to appear more chaste than they are in the majority of a society prevails, there is indeed a moral problem there. Profanity and obscenity are the two main indications of the people who are full of evil. Type of music that evokes prostitution and vulgarity and that is repeated loudly in a certain rough rhythm in alcoholic dim underground environments is an invocation of people to evil.

Do not stop working on yourself and constantly improving your consciousness towards divine love. Otherwise, you cannot attain eternal life. Remember, a person can never wake up to the truth unless he gives up what he wants to hear. You are not really thinking until you let go of your prejudices. Think of the human brain as a computer. If there is no program in it, it has no function. Consciousness is a program loaded into this computer. It develops with experience, but if a virus enters it, it is deleted by the uploaders. Whether the virus enters or not is in the free will of the person, so the biggest obstacle in front of a person is himself again.


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